Friday, October 09, 2009

Learning while exercising

Prepare yourself

Hi fellow fitness enthusiasts. It has been a good week. I managed to get my three work shifts in and three workout sessions at the gym. In the process I have learned that preparation before the workout is rather crucial.

To start with your eating habits should be logged and analysed by someone who knows your goals in fitness. (Ashley, in my case). On a weekly basis I send her my log so we can discuss it at the trainer session. The whole idea of strengthening and getting fit revolves around diet, exercise and sleep. So this shows her how I eat and how I can improve.

Sleep patterns are so important. I find if I have had a bad sleep or not enough sleep (less than 7 hours) my workout is harder and I tire faster. In fact today I experienced that fatigue while into my last super-set of lower body exercises (the bike and leg presses). I had noticed that my resting heart rate was at 104.. a lot higher than usual.. the drive in early in the morning, and the fact I had less than a perfect sleep must have affected my relaxed state. I was toast while stretching and knew my body was tired and in fact my blood pressure and sugar level lowered. [This gives you a close to dizzy feeling]. Fortunately I knew that a good glass of cold water and even a gatorade would revitalize me and all was fine.

One of my sessions this week was after a 12.5 hour shift. Phychology helped me that day. I had had a very relaxed day at work as long as it was, and was not scheduled to work the next day. My workout went like a breeze as I worked my upper body. I remember noting my heart rate at the start of my treadmill warmup was at 88. I was relaxed! I prepared by having an early night the night before, being relaxed all day, and eating properly and it truly showed.

Humans are complex creatures!! But we can adapt. So, the only advice I would give you would be eat well - grain filled breakfast, protein snack, lunch, another protein snack, dinner, and a protein snack in the evening, but nothing at least 2 hours before bed. Drink lots and lots of water. Incorporating cadio in your workout will help a lot (as I mentioned last time). I walk on days in between my workouts and that feels good out in the fresh air. I dread winter :) so maybe I will get to the gym for a 'treadmill/eliptical only workout' for cardio on those cold winter days.

I've learned a lot in the last while - hope it helps you too.

(PS: thanks for the reviews on my blog - I appreciate the feedback - stay fit)

Happy Thanksgiving Canada/Columbus Day USA



  1. Anonymous22:07

    i'll be sure to try your workout routine. Sure seems like its working for you!:P

  2. I appreciate it very much, at least I know from it someone is reading the contents I have here.
