Friday, October 23, 2009

Good job!!

"Good job"

End of October! Where did the months go since I started working out? Gladly in the past :)

It is still a good feeling to exercise and feel good. The last couple sessions with Ashley have been a little different, but very useful.

The first one this week was one favoring my lower back and keeping an eye on my "wind" from a chest cold. Ashley took it easy on me but made sure I had lots of cardio and a few lower body exercises that didn't agitate my back or play havoc with my lungs. She's great that way. I still did squats and back extensions but more time on the eliptical.

Tonight's session we concentrated initially on cardio - I had done my usual 10 minute warm up at 2.8-3.0 on the treadmill, but she wanted a few more minutes at a faster pace - 3.3 - 3.5. My heart rate never spiked as it did way back when - in fact it stayed at a reasonable 130-135 bpm. It wasn't hurting my lungs and warmed me up considerably. So 20-25 minutes of cardio I think will be the norm for the next while.

We left the treadmill and went to the trainers room where I did crunches and pushups.. 3 sets of 12 each - she was totally impressed with my progress.. I heard "good job" several times. My form was good and my strength is showing obvious progress. Next I did some step ups/downs (60 seconds) alternating the leading foot, every 30 seconds, to get some more cardio in super-set with some lat pull-downs (65 pounds) - 3 sets of 12. I used to shake (core was weak) but today I was steady and smooth. "Good job".

My diet has become second nature (the spread sheet I send every Saturday is helping her advise on diet); my workouts more intense; and as a result, my progress good. I have reached that point where I don't want to miss a workout. Even when not sheduled with Ashley, I work either my upper or lower depending what I did previously. Thanks Nubodys!!

Lesson learned? - push yourself a little harder each workout - you'll surprise yourself and not get your body too used to the workout.

Stay fit :)


P.S. Last fall/winter I lugged luggage at work and pellets to heat my house. I was always sore. Last night I lifted 4 or 5 bags of pellets and never felt a thing :~) . Can't help but feel good about that. P


  1. Anonymous20:48

    i'll make sure to keep pushing harder. really great blog!

  2. Paul09:04

    hope its working :)
