Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gym stuff and diet tips for November 2009

Hi everyone

Can someone tell me where November went please? Holy macoroni (whole wheat of course ;))

This was a crazy month trying to balance the kids school, their illnesses and recoveries, my cold and recovery, missed gym sessions (subsequent guilt) and work! I just finished my week and am totally toast.

But after all was said and done I did manage to get 2 sessions in at the gym and am feeling better again.

Gym Stuff

Ashley (my dear personal fitness trainer (PFT) at Nubodys) worked me hard today. We are concentrating on more cardio with her sessions for weight loss, and I do the weights on my own in between.

First, she has me walking moderately fast (3.4) on the treadmill, to warm me up, then after 10 minutes, she has me crank it up to 4.0 and away I go. (Note to self: need new sneakers - I will have shin splints if I don't get some :)).

She gets me to walk at 4.0 for 2 minutes then do 15 squats (for 3 sets). My legs feel every bit of that afterwards but my heart thanks me. It works my quads and butt (pardon the expression) nicely at the same time.

Then we go into the trainers room for a set of exercises that will help my abs and hamstrings (she has removed the leg curls and extensions from my lower body workout as the squats will be primary).

One is the normal 3 sets of 12 crunches, superset with the other what I like to call an 'angled hamstring raise'. (You can do this at home. :~O )

Get a mat and lie on your back on the floor. Put your feet on the centre of an exercise ball (or couch if at home) and with your arms by your side lift yourself so your body is straight from feet to head, hold for 3 or 4 seconds, then lower. Do this about 8-10 times, then back to the crunches. You will love the way it stretches the hams (no pun intended).

I have a feeling she has me do this because my job requires 12.5 hour shifts in a sitting position.. my hamstrings are tight!! That sure stretches them out. I appreciate these sweating sessions!

Diet Tip

Eating properly is critcal to staying fit too.
I call this my "Three Cup Veggie Soup".
I am having a bowl now.. mm mm mmm

Get a large pot and pour 3 cups of cold water in it (hence the name)
Add a small can of chicken broth (beef of you want)
Add a small can of tomato with basil and oregano soup
(You can substitute the soup with tomatoe paste or pizza sauce)


Cut up (large pieces) and add 3 cups of potatoes
2-3 cups of chunked carrots
2-3 cups of chunked turnip
1-2 cups of of sliced celery
and a small onion
(and 3 cups of any other veggie you want for that matter)

Add a handful of flour (helps thicken it some), pepper, and summer savory (notice NO salt!) and a bayleaf (remove this bayleaf after the soup is done okay?)

Give that a stir and put a cover on the pot and place it in a preheated oven (300 degrees) for three hours. (Yes, 3 hours - and it never fails!!)

About 30 minutes before it is done make some dumplings of your choice and drop them on the top. Ohhh what a delicious and healthy meal you have just created.

I get easily 4 to 5 good meals from that one pot of soup. I found it in a Healthy Heart Cook Book. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. My heart thanks me for that too.

Stay fit and force yourself to get that way! It sure was tempting NOT to go to the gym today, but man oh man I was glad I did.

Take care.

Twitter: shuttlep

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